Special Board Meeting - view live at 6:30PM at euclidschools.org

The President of the Euclid Board of Education is calling a Special Meeting for Wednesday, June 28, 2023, at 6:30 P.M. at the Fordyce Administration Building, 651 E. 222 Street, Euclid, OH. 

Additionally, members of the public can view this meeting through our Livestream located below.

Agenda for Special Meeting: http://go.boarddocs.com/oh/euc...

Livestream: https://www.euclidschools.org/...


 The Board of Education of the Euclid City School District hereby gives notice that it will hold a public meeting pursuant to sections 3307.353 of the Ohio Revised Code to consider the re-employment of the following individuals as superannuates to the same positions from which they retired: Nicholas Selvaggio, CTE Criminal Justice Teacher 

The public meeting will occur on June 28, 2023, at 6:30 PM, at the  Fordyce Administration Building.  The Board provides this notice at least 60 days prior to the date of the superannuates’ re-employment and certifies that the public meeting required pursuant to Ohio law shall take place between 15 and 30 days before the re-employment of the above-referenced individuals as a superannuates.  All interested persons are invited to attend.